Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Steve Colletti's unprofessional BBB comment

"I contact him (Kristen has by now dumped him)."  

This is a direct quote from Steve (the "ripper off-er") Colletti's response in his Better Business Bureau statement.  He is talking about me and my girlfriend at the time.  Can you believe how unprofessional and unethical you would have to be to write something like this?  Not only is it inappropriate, it is not true.  I broke up with her and I had to contact the police to have her stop contacting me. I had told her several times to never contact me again, but she never listened.  It finally took police action.  Kristen lies quite a bit, and that is one reason, among many, she is not my girlfriend anymore.  To me, it is just another nail in the coffin of Steve (the "ripper off-er") Colletti not checking his facts and not researching information properly.  Apparently, it seems, you can tell Steve (the "ripper off-er") Colletti anything and he'll believe it blindly.

To shed more light on the subject, Kristen knows about the trouble I have had with Steve (the "ripper off-er") Colletti.  One time, when we were still talking/texting, we were texting about how bad he was.  She said "Steve just doesn't get it."  I asked her if she would write a bad review about him for me.  She said she would and we both have the texts on our phones to prove this and the earlier quote I mentioned.  A few days go by and she has not written the review.  I asked her why.  She said she did not want to get in the middle of this problem.  I had said to her that I was tired of all her lies and that if she did not write this review for me, as she said she would, I did not want to speak with her anymore.  She did not write the review, and out of revenge to me for contacting the police on her, she wrote a good review about this horrible shop.

This is just one of the things, out of many, that Steve (the "ripper off-er") Colletti said that was highly unprofessional and unethical in his Better Business Bureau statement.  I will talk about the many others in detail soon.


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